Thursday, June 28, 2007

It's finally blooming...

My own blog is finally up, something I've been meaning to do since I left Singapore 2 years back for further studies... but never got round to doing it.

Been itching to write something about the flurry of big news around me - GST up along with many other basic costs in Singapore, Blair finally out of Downing Street, Bush snubbed by his own people, the Bring Your Own Bag Day to kickstart our guilt instincts about polluting the environment, Singapore leaders on a whirlwind tour around the Middle East to make friends with the rich Arabs, the seemingly rosy economic outlook that somehow got the average Singaporean gasping for air, and of course the much-talked about arrest of the lecturer-turned-suspected terrorist here.

Now that I have this up, I promise to give my two cents' worth about things like these that rile me up. For now, getting Blooms Bureau up is a good start. I'll write something up soon... i promise.


Anonymous said...

Looking forward to reading your unleashed insights... ;-)

Anonymous said...

what rofi means is your unleashed insights at home when the lights go off :-p

Anonymous said...


Ok, I came, I saw and I have left my mark ;-)